Let’s face it, the world is different right now. The days of live concerts and date nights at the movies have been replaced with zoom meetings and nights indoors.
This includes divorce. This includes child support and custody issues.
These issues also look different right now. Namely the timeframe lawyers like me can help facilitate a resolution.
Like most things, the courts were shutdown during the summer of 2020. While most businesses open back up and it is business as usual, the court system cannot just overlook months and months of legal matters that need to be heard. This means that there was, and still is, a backlog of cases still making their way through the court system.
Before Covid-19, a divorce in Oklahoma could take as little as 90 days. But now, it depends on many, many factors.
Some courts are having zoom or skype hearings and some are not. Some are having in-person hearings with appropriate precautions like masks and social distancing. Some are not.
Regardless of the style of the court at the moment, a resolution to your legal matter IS still available!
I highly recommend pursuing your legal matter sooner than later. At the time of writing this it is early November. Things typically slow down for everyone during this time. This may be an opportunity to get your foot in the door and get a judgment quicker.
However, this is a tumultuous time of year to bring a family law matter. I completely understand this. If this is weighing on you, please reach out so that we may discuss the pros and cons and hopefully make the best decision for you and your family.
Many of my clients tell me that they wish they would have contacted me earlier and that just being able to talk through their feelings made a huge difference in the clarity they had about their legal matter and their options.
If this sounds like you, please reach out. I offer free consultations both in-person and virtually. You will have an opportunity to talk to a lawyer and really be heard. You will also be able to decided if we are the firm for you before you owe a dime!
Covid-19 has changed many things but Ryan Dobbs Legal is committed to adapt to the current legal landscape and finding new and innovative ways to bring resolution to your divorce and family law matters!